I never planned on eating frog legs. It definitely wasn’t on my bucket list. But on a wine trip and tour through the Beaujolais – a beautiful region here in France – the friend who guided us around was convinced that we should try them. We kind of had no choice, even though we (we were with a group of 4, him included) kept on telling our friend that we didn’t really need to try, he still ordered a small portion.
So there they came, a dish filled with hot frog legs in a sauce of oil and garlic. They looked kind of similar to chicken wings. I think that is the only reason that I tried them. The taste was also kind of similar to the taste of chicken wings, just with a slight difference.
If I have to be honest about the taste, it was actually not too bad. I think also because of the sauce, I totally love garlic. But even though the taste was okay, I still didn’t like it that much. Of course it was the idea holding me back.
I was eating frog, the thought of that I so weird. I saw images of a frog hopping by. Or images of unprepared frog legs, where they are still straight so you can really see that it’s frog legs you are having. I have to admit, I am a hypocrite meat eater. I don’t want to be able to recognize the animal it came from, or else I won’t be able to eat it.
While eating my chicken wing look alike frog leg (I ate it with knife and fork, I didn’t want to eat with my hands), I started seeing the bone structure. The bone structure of a frog. Big dislike, so after getting the easiest parts of meat, I left the rest on my plate. My friend couldn’t stand it, he grabbed it and gnawed every single part of meat that was still left off the bone. He already had a mountain of leftovers piled up on his plate, so I let all the other frog legs to him. I just enjoyed the oil and garlic with some baguette.
When I arrived home, I searched for frog legs on google. What I found made me disgusted, I read that frogs get cut in half while they are still alive! That made the hypocrite meat eater in me very upset. Just because people believe the taste will be better when the frog is still alive, people just cut the poor animal in half.
So from now on, frog legs are a big no-no for me. Even though the taste wasn’t too bad. The idea of the frog, the view of the bone structure and the horrifying knowledge that the frog might have been cut in half when he was still alive, make sure that I won’t ever want to eat those animals again.
I just can’t.
Nutritional information
Frog legs 100 grams
[styled_list][list_item]72 kcal[/list_item][list_item]16,5 gr proteins[/list_item][list_item]0,5 gr fats[/list_item][/styled_list]